Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Visiting Tanzania: Day 1

We got a glimpse of Kilimanjaro enroute from Nairobi to Tanzania.
And they managed to serve a box lunch and drinks on the 40 minute flight aboard the propeller-driven plane.

The airport is small but modern and efficient, with lots of people arriving to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro or, during a different season, see the wildebeest migration.


Enroute from the airport, we drove through Lake Manyara National Park, so loved by Ernest Hemingway, and didn't see the tree-climbing lions since it was wetter than normal (climate change) and they didn't need to climb the trees but did see a sample of other wildlife.  The bigger game prefer the open savanna where they can see or flee from their prey, leaving mostly monkeys, baboons and birds in the forest.  Next stop, the Endoro Lodge.

Really had to "rough it" at the Endoro Lodge; this was my room.  I think the lodge was one of two  favorite places to stay on the trip.  We were a bit higher up, amidst coffee plantations and next door to a game preserve.  It was a lovely place. They would build a fire in the room if asked for.  And there was a patio on both the room and the bath.  Note the curtain rods, where they wove in all the animals in the park. Following are some photos of the grounds and dining/bar area, plus some delightfully charming people.

The lodge surroundings were delightful.  My only regret I that we didn't stay there long enough. 


The people were charming.  Since the rooms were spread out and there was no night lighting outside for the most part, porters dressed in their traditional garb lit the way from the dining area and bar to our rooms.  The food was excellent, with fresh passion fruit for breakfast again, making me happy.
The first of three local, Tanzanian beers that I had to try.  I also bought a t-shirt that says, "If you can't climb it, drink it."  Appropriate for someone my age, I figure. And the end of day 1 in Tanzania.

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