Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Visiting Kenya: Second Day at Samburu

A chef was on hand for eggs and omelettes but I added a lot of fruit, especially the delicious passion fruit that appeared at most meals.  

This was our safari vehicle, perfect for taking photos and being safe. 

There were four of us with Tony, the driver, in our vehicle.
The other five members of our touring group with their driver.  Vivian and David on the far right continued with me for the Tanzanian portion of the tour.
....surveying the landscape of the bush....
...which changed as we drove through the 60 square mile park....

....from river areas....

...to dry river beds....

...to lush trees...
....to mountains....
The goal of each safari seems to be spotting the "big 5" (elephants, leopards, buffalo, rhinos and lions), which, as it turns out, we were fortunate to see again and again, both in Kenya and later in Tanzania.
Our second goal was to see the "unique 5" animals found in this but not many other places (gerenuks that can perch on hind legs like goats, the oryx, the Somali ostrich, Grevy's zebras, and the reticulated giraffe).  Luckily, we saw all 5, spotting the ostriches as we left the park the next day.
...and so the game drive begins anew...with elephants in lush surroundings.

Ran across three lions with a couple cubs (look closely, they're next to mom).

---the reticulated giraffes...
...the Somali ostriches..

..the oryx..

....and the day ends with a dinner and sunset...


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