Thursday, March 13, 2014

Visiting Kenya: Last Stop--Masai Mara National Reserve, Day 1

Our last stop before returning to Nairobi was the Masai Mara National Reserve.  First, a couple photos snapped enroute.

The park entrance.

And this is the third species of giraffes, the Masai giraffe, which has a darker coat.


Enroute to our lodge, the other vehicle got stuck in the river and the call went out for help. I swear that I heard, if not at this moment, another time someone on the CB radio say, "hakuna matata" (no problem/worries).

We got out and snapped did the captives inside the other vehicle.

Meanwhile, passersby stopped for a look now and then.

This fellow chatted with the driver.
Eventually, we all made it to our camp.

...the entrance

...reception area


Another open-air, inviting lodge.
Got our exercise again since the tents in which we stayed (much like the Samburu lodge) were located along paths spreading out from the main lodge. tent

...comfortable and spacious

...with a modern bathroom/shower.

At night the bar was quite inviting.

First we had lunch before heading off for a late afternoon, 4-6 p.m., game drive.

...the colorful warthogs

A new animal, the topi. ostrich amidst Impalas...

...the cape buffalo

...saw 12 lions within a matter of 30 minutes, including a pride with nine lions.

...hyenas languishing on the road.

...the marvelous elephants

...the elusive cheetah, in this case two if you look closely.
And then it's time to eat again....marvelous food, with fresh passion fruit at every meal.

Finally, time to crawl under the mosquito net and into bed.

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