Thursday, March 13, 2014

Visiting Kenya: Drive to Lake Nakuru National Park

After leaving the Ark, we drove to Lake Nakuru National Park, best known for its pink flamingos, white rhino and lion. But enroute we stopped at the equator, the second time on this trip.  Though this was just a pit stop, there was an interesting demonstration using a simple pool of water. the equator

On the north side of the equator, the match moves clockwise as water drains out the bottom.

On the south side of the equator, the match moves counter clockwise as the water drains out the bottom.

On the actual equator, the match floats in no particular direction.  And the further you move from the equator in either direction, the faster the movement.  How's that for a simple lesson on a pit stop?  And here's the pit (bathroom) out back.....

...just an interesting roadside bar and "grill."

We entered Lake Nakuru National Park, but first, paused for lunch at a delux lodge inside the park.

Delicious, as usual, and we sat outside looking down the hill to where we soon would see our first rhino of the trip, followed by a lion feasting on a recent kill.
...our first rhino.

Not far away, one lion played with her cub lion while another feasted on a recent kill.

....feasting on a recent kill.  Our guide said lions don't like eating wildebeasts because the hair gets caught in their teeth....picky, picky, picky...
Various animals grazed between the road and the lake.

And our luck continued with three more rhinos closer to the lake.

....the pink flamingos for which the lake's famous.

Love the landscape.
We drove on to the Great Rift Valley, and the lodge where we were to spend the night.

If I member correctly, this lodge is owned by the president of Kenya.
A fireplace in the bar area was welcome given a little chill at this altitude. 

The lodge was lovely and the surroundings beautifully landscaped. 

We got our exercise, since the cabins were located along a hill.
Again, we "roughed it" in spacious rooms with a fireplace, patio, and modern bath. 

Next came dinner.

Start out healthy.....and then keep going.  You might get the idea from my photos that food ranked up there with seeing the animals and enjoying the scenery....and you'd probably be right.
Peacocks waltzed around the outdoor dining area. 

And the evening ended with a Tusker beer at the bar overlooking the Great Rift Valley.


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