Saturday, December 31, 2016

Discovering Kyrgyzstan--Osh and Sary Tash: Places and Spaces on a Trip Around the World, 2016

Discovering Kyrgyzstan--Osh and Sary Tash

 Our trip from Uzbekistan to Kyrgyzstan began with a border crossing straight out of the cold war (no pictures to illustrate the barbed wire, the tedious checking and rudimentary border structures), but the vistas to greet us at Osh and Sary Tash were well worth it.  While Uzbekistan is rich in historic monuments, Kyrgyzstan excels in some of the most beautiful mountains and valleys you encounter.  Thus, my photos are largely that. Osh prospered with Silk Road trade until Mongol armies destroyed the city in the 13th century, but it seems to do well enough today. 

Sulaiman Too (“Solomon's mountain”), which dominates the city of Osh, has a pathway up and around the mountain, which we climbed, of course. There is a museum and spots for pilgrims to stop at religious sites.


My favorite dish on the Silk Road was the Russian influenced Borscht, a hot beet soup with lots of other stuff, more like a stew.  Went well with beer, the local round bread (another favorite) and I ordered it several times, never to be disappointed.


Before leaving Osh, we visited the market, which had not only food but a billiards area and everything else in between.  Love the traditional hats, which are worn by locals, not just for tourists.


Before leaving Osh, we visited the Russian Orthodox Church.

On the road to Sary Tash we stopped three times, once to visit a national monument and try mare's (Horse) milk, once at the highest spot over the mountains, and once for a lovely vista and great skies.

trying mare's milk

The Taldyk pass is at 11,300 feet elevation. 

This lad had wind burn from the steady cold wind whipping through the mountains.


Sary Tash

We arrived in Sary Tash in time to settle in for the night, sleeping in a house next to the Yurt where we had dinner.

The next morning we awoke to incredible vistas on a sunny day.  Amazing snow-covered mountains.


On the way out of Sary Tash, we steadily climbed through the Tien Shan mountain to the Irkeshtam Pass enroute to the legendary Silk Road market town, Kashgar, in China. Following are some shots of the mountains.

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